Man has been eternal victim of social, cultural personal and collective miseries beside being prey of misfortunes like unemployment, poverty, illiteracy and injustice. Many attempts have been made to serve the ailing and suffering humanity. The concept of helping communities who are suffering from different social problems, in the form of organized work and struggle began in the late 19th century. More over, these associations worked a lot for the alleviation of poverty, establishment of international peace, provision of justice, legal assistance, educating women & children. UNO is the most common and effective organization along with other NGOs, which have worked for the completion of above-mentioned purposes. According to a careful estimate forty nine thousand NGOs exist in Pakistan out of which forty-five exist only on the paper and only ten percent are functional. SEWA ORGANIZATION wants the ailing humanity to be considered sincerely to alleviate poverty, provide justice and legal assistance, and help needy people in all respects. Furthermore, it intends to make an establishment of a society free from malice, jealousy, poverty, illiteracy and injustice. The man of present age is giving the gift of death to fellow beings in the form of drugs. Many children are seen using drugs and wandering in the streets, squires, and gardens and inhabiting themselves with drugs. They only have two options; either to go jails or live on the pile of scrap. There are no hospitals and institutions where they can be treated, so that they could live happily. Technology has made the modern man so busy that he does not have the time to think about the innocent lives and the suffering humanity. It is not the characteristics of modern age but the ignorance of old age. Today there are tall towers of selfishness, greed and diplomacy in the world. Humanism is under threat. Humans are being killed in the name of religion. Man himself is thirsty of his blood. Each community is trying to beat others in the race of gun and power and thus in this pursuit has be come a cause of humiliation for humanity. He feels pride in snatching bread from others and takes it as an act of braveness and velour. In such circumstances, there is pressing need that people must be revealed of the slogan to the people, who decorate the paths of other with bushes and thorns, will be passing through the same ways and will be getting humiliation in rewards. If you throw stones at other then they will come back at your own self to bring miseries next day in reward. It is therefore imperative to establish, manage and maintain organizations, which will work for the betterment of common life on hundred percent non-profit bases. The initiative of SEWA is to make life healthier, comfortable, safer, secure, less forlorn, less miserable, more realistic optimistic and progressive. The paths of the people must be decorated with the flowers and perfumes for the sake of human survivals. Let's go ahead with our struggle for integrity, respect and honor. Do think! How constrained oppressed and helpless must it be to long for bread to eat, dress wear and to crave for books to read. At one side, we are claimant of human's prosperity and international peace but at other side we cannot even provide resources to NGO's so they could achieve this humble causes. We are in habit of constructing our own castles of wishes, desires and dreams. It is sad to say that the man of present contemporary era has infect gone back into the very olden time. Thousand-year old traits and customs still prevail today. Still we have discrimination in terms of race gender and status. We are still lost in the difference of black and white. The poor and the rich are considered two isolate communities. Even today women are deprived of justice equality and respect . Lets do something for their for their welfare so that they could also achieve their due status in every sense of the word. Lets do something for the survival of those who are being neglected. Lets work for the development, rights, welfare of women, children and the poor and deprived. Lets erase this discrimination for the survival and contentment of ailing and suffering humanity. Lets light the candle of hope in shadows of oppression, poverty and ailment. Lets join SEWA ORGANIZATION inviting you towards the establishment of peace and tranquility in the world-a world which is your own, it is waiting for your co-operation and assistance. Lets search for precise, concise and effective solutions of these evils together. Serve the ailing and friendless, destitute and needy people. Open up vistas of peace. Lets open the door to eternal satisfaction. Lets work together for the provision of better health facilities, promotion of basic education, improvement of environment and for the promotion of brother hood and affection among communities. Lets provide legal assistance to the oppressed so they could also get justice in courts. Lets change the living standard of poor and illiterate people and undertake programs which would raise income levels and expand employment opportunities. All this is only possible if you co-operate with SEWA wholeheartedly. All the above stated purposes are realistic. A big revolution can be brought about but only if you lend a hand to SEWA.
Just your co-operation is the key for the completion of our cause. SEWA wants to:
1: Promote peace in the world and discourage terrorism fully as per the charter of UNO.
2: To set up society which is fully aware of the wealth of conscience.
3: To make people aware that it is the women who bring beauty to the world and thus only need our respect in return.
4: To raise the slogan's Women right should be respected. Only educated women can give us an educated and virtuous society.
5: To discourage the spread of drugs.
6: To make people aware of judicial complexities and to provide legal assistance in courts. In order to develop the sense and conscience of equality and brotherhood, SEWA will provide necessary and convenient facilities for the commencement and holding of conference, conventions in collaboration with other NGO's to achieve the above stated objectives. Anxiously waiting for your prayers and co-operation