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Shelter for helpless people, Education for all, Women welfare, Availability of legal assistance
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Legal Assistance

Legally help everyone and left everyone to know the law so that they are not dependent on others in solving their problems It is the unluckiness of Pakistani nation that the high officials has made the law so difficult that a common man needs some educated people to write an application to the relevant officer through he himself is educated Sewa organization is trying to give awareness of different aspects of law to public at large, to give information they can chose the best may to avoid and they would know that law , how much and from where can he be legally helped because we thinks that if the people knows the rights given by the law then many of and injustices will be dissolved or will lose there force at initial stage years and years of court cases and the of law years will be ended.Sewa organizations conduct teaching course at regular intervals which surely give benefit to the common man



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