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The name of the society shall be "SEWA ORGANIZATION".

Registered Office

The Registered Office of the society shall be in the Province of the Punjab.


1-;The objectives of the society are

A) To work for welfare of the community and for improving standard of living, to undertake programs which ensures raising of income levels and expanding employment opportunities of the weaker sections of the society particularly of those living below the poverty line by involving participants in the planning, implementation and maintenance of activities taken up and also to take up programs in which science and technology have major role  in improving life, working conditions and opportunities for gainful employment of women.

B) To work for poverty elevation provision of better health facilities, promote education, and work for improving environment and promote brotherhood among the masses/ community.

C) To imitate development projects and to organize neglected section of society and take steps for increasing their level of awareness under government/ Non-government programs act.

D) To encourage the individual and collective efforts  in order to fill the gape between men and women of the community in order to provide them equal opportunities to develop in the right course.

E) To provide legal assistance to the masses in order to get justice in the courts.

F) To identify alternative resources increasing projects, training of facilities, education and research opportunities for the people of Pakistan.

G) To provide necessary and convenient facilities for the holding of conferences, conventions and other meetings of its members for the exchange of ideas and experienced in the development, application of all the above objects.

H) To improve enrich and uplift to quality of work and life and to provide opportunities for self development for the community and any other charitable purposes ( expression of that shall mean such purposes as are charitable according to laws of Pakistan) in particular for the benefit  of the community.

2- In furtherance of the said objects but not otherwise the society shell have power.

A) To accept subscription, gifts, donations devises and bequests of any real or personal property maintain and alter any of the some as are necessary for any of the objects of the society ( subjects to such consents as may be required by law) and sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any such property.

B) To write print by any means circulate, periodicals, magazines looks leaflets or other documents for educating the community.

C) To promote research experimental work, scientific investigation and development in to any aspect of the objects of the society and its work and to disseminate useful results of any such research for the benefit of the community.

D) To co-operate with and enter into arrangements with other charity, voluntary bodies, and statutory authorities national, local or otherwise, operating in furtherance of the objectives or similar charitable purposes and to exchange information  and advise with them, and to hold exhibitions, meetings, lectures, classes, seminars, workshops, courses or other events whether alone or with others.

E) To issue cheques and other financial  instruments, and to operate bank other account in the name of the society.

F) Subject to such consents as my be required by law, to borrow and raise money for the objects of society on such terms and conditions and on such security as may be thought fit.

G) To purchase lease, hire or otherwise acquire real or personal property and rights or privileges and to construct, maintain and alter buildings or erections.

H) To carry on an exercise trade whether temporary and ancillary for carrying out the said objects of the society.

I) To make any charitable donations either in cash or assets for the furtherance of the objects of the society.

J) To establish or support any charitable institution and to subscribe or guarantee money for charitable purposes calculated to further the objects of the society, and to employ and pay such staff in order to supervise, organize and carry on the work and for the advise of the society.

K) To purchase insurance to ----- the officers, staff, voluntary workers and those of its members from and against all such risk incurred in the course of the performance of their cities as may be thought it.

L) To pay out of the funds of the society, the costs, charges and expenses of incidental to the formation and registration of the society, and to establish where necessary local branches whether autonomous or not.

M) To do all such other lawful things / acts for the sake of the furtherance of the objects of the society above mentioned

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